Scaffold => parametry

Option Short Description
--data-annotations -d Use attributes to configure the model (where possible). If this option is omitted, only the fluent API is used.
--context <NAME> -c The name of the DbContext class to generate.
--context-dir <PATH>   The directory to put the DbContext class file in. Paths are relative to the project directory. Namespaces are derived from the folder names.
--context-namespace <NAMESPACE>   The namespace to use for the generated DbContext class. Note: overrides --namespace.
--force -f Overwrite existing files.
--output-dir <PATH> -o The directory to put entity class files in. Paths are relative to the project directory.
--namespace <NAMESPACE> -n The namespace to use for all generated classes. Defaults to generated from the root namespace and the output directory.
--schema <SCHEMA_NAME>...   The schemas of tables and views to generate entity types for. To specify multiple schemas, repeat --schema for each one. If this option is omitted, all schemas are included. If this option is used, then all tables and views in the schemas will be included in the model, even if they are not explicitly included using --table.
--table <TABLE_NAME>... -t The tables and views to generate entity types for. To specify multiple tables, repeat -t or --table for each one. Tables or views in a specific schema can be included using the 'schema.table' or 'schema.view' format. If this option is omitted, all tables and views are included.
--use-database-names   Use table, view, sequence, and column names exactly as they appear in the database. If this option is omitted, database names are changed to more closely conform to C# name style conventions.
--no-onconfiguring   Suppresses generation of the OnConfiguring method in the generated DbContext class.
--no-pluralize   Don't use the pluralizer.


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